How to connect to dapps using WalletConnect on the StrikeX Wallet

How to connect to dapps using the direct listing

1. Head over to the dapps you'd like to connect to, such as PancakeSwap.

2. Click on the 'Connect Wallet' button found in the dapps page, followed by selecting WalletConnect.

3. Search for the 'StrikeX Wallet', and tap on the logo once you've found it. 

4. This will automatically open your StrikeX Wallet and ask you to confirm the connection. After confirming the connection, head back over to your browser dapps, and you will be successfully connected!


How to connect to dapps using QR Code on Mobile

1. Head over to the dapps you'd like to connect to, such as PancakeSwap.

2. Click on the 'Connect Wallet' button found in the dapps page, followed by selecting WalletConnect. Afterwards, change to the 'QR Code' tab where it will be displayed. Take a screenshot of the QR code.

3. Open the StrikeX Wallet, and go to Settings > WalletConnect. Tap on '+' icon, followed by the image icon, both found on the tap right. Select the screenshotted QR code from your gallery, and confirm the connection. You are now successfully connected.

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