A token is missing or displaying the wrong amount on my StrikeX Wallet

If you have previously been sent/received a token to the StrikeX Wallet and it's not displaying in your dashboard, possible solutions/issues:

1) The transfer may still be being complete on the blockchain, some chains take longer than others to finish a transaction. Bitcoin can take up to 30-60 minutes, whilst most EVM networks such as the BNB Chain & Ethereum usually take 1-5 minutes.

Chain congestions caused by a large scale of transactions in a short time span may occur occasionally, which lead to a longer transaction time.


2) Check that you have added the token to your dashboard. You can do this by:

i) Scrolling to the bottom of the dashboard page

ii) Click the 'Add asset to Portfolio' button

iii) Search for the token you want to add either by name or contract address


3) You can try manually refreshing your Wallet to get the latest data. You can do this by simply dragging the top of the dashboard down. If the token is displaying, but not the correct amount

This will also resolve any token displaying the wrong amount.


4) If the above steps have not fixed your issue, you can visit a blockchain explorer where all transactions can be seen. You can view all of your holdings and recent transactions in real-time, by simply searching for your wallet address.

Explorer Links:

BNB Smart Chain (BEP-20): https://bscscan.com/address/

Ethereum: https://etherscan.io/ 

Solana: https://solscan.io/ 

Bitcoin: https://www.blockchain.com/explorer 


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